2015-2016 Fellows

Jolie Sifa Kpaka


Jolie Sifa Kpaka currently serves a member of the Economics Faculty at Université Chrétienne Bilingue du Congo (UCBC) and teaches a number of the university's English courses.

 A recent graduate of UCBC in 2014, Jolie holds an undergraduate degree in Financial Management and Computing Accounting. Jolie served as one of YECA’s first Climate Leadership Fellows in 2014 and has now transitioned into a Regional Coordinator role. As a creation care leader on campus, Jolie has been able to increase awareness about climate change and its impacts and has worked to expand UCBC’s partnerships with local authorities, local churches and local organizations also concerned with the environmental care. Jolie has served as a representative on UCBC’s Creation Care Committee as well as a co-leader of the Creation Care Volunteers group. Over the next year, Jolie looks forward to pursuing her own vocational interests in environmental sustainability and ultimately hopes to pursue an MBA in Economic Development with a focus on sustainable communities.

Learn more about Y.E.C.A.'s unique relationship with UCBC.